Tuesday, January 09, 2007


it's funny how it creeps up on me before i notice it. i had no intention of going there, but looking back, i did not take precautions to avoid it either.

The holiday season is generally pretty "full" for most of us. things get busy. there is family, and friends and meaningful time spent together. i did truly enjoy most of this holiday season; i knew who it was in honor of, and i invited Him to join in with me.

but before i knew it, things dried up. i started to think about all of the things i want to accomplish in 2007, from work to relationships to home changes. and i forgot to ask the Lord what HE thinks of 2007 for me! our bible group did not meet over the holidays, and i skipped church a time or two. i read some other books, and left the Bible on my bed stand.

so it was bound to happen. i woke up a couple of days ago and realized i was all dried up. i've been feeling some anxiety lately over work, that was a pretty good clue. then, i started picking fights with phil for kind of silly reasons. i started to be negative about people. i became less grateful for what i have and especially for who the Lord IS, in spite of this nutso world. i was worried alot, and unhappy.

last night, i went to our bible group for the first time since mid december. we all caught up, then spent at least an hour and a half in worship and praise and prayer. during that time, the Lord crept back into my heart and hooked up the hose, and started to water me. i cried, and i realized how much i miss Him when i don't invite Him in. i drove home last night feeling back to the way i am supposed to be: full and refreshed.

and i don't want to go that many days without a drink again.

psalm 139

I thank you, High God—you're breathtaking!
Body and soul, I am marvelously made!
I worship in adoration—what a creation!
You know me inside and out,
you know every bone in my body;
You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,
how I was sculpted from nothing into something.
Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth;
all the stages of my life were spread out before you,
The days of my life all prepared
before I'd even lived one day.


K~ said...

Wow Bobbi, I loved your blog today. I have been very prayerful lately. I have needed to get reconnected as well. I miss my bible study so much. I found a wad - literally- of bible verses from my youth, while going through some things in the basement. I am going through each verse. A new one every day. I have also been praying most mornings and at night. I am very grateful for your blog today. Thanks for sharing. K~

K~ said...

Oh also, here is my verse for today- from the wad. "Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way."
Psalm 139: 23,24


Karen said...

THAT, my friend, is the change in disposition that I require. Thank you. My glass is not half-full, it is overflowing.

As I was reading this I was reminded that we are, indeed, leaky vessels. We must have God constantly pouring Himself into us, or we end up like the desert. Like the whiny, crabby, self-involved, petulant desert.

Unknown said...

Thanks, I needed to hear that today...

bobbione8y said...

God in the wad. that is too cool. goes to show you, He will show up almost anywhere :))

that psalm 139 rocks.

carey said...

this is a great blog, buddy. exactly how i feel, only i'm not full yet. someone around this town needs to start a bible study...:)

Chris said...

Bobbi, you really touched a cord with me as well with this one. I have been a very bad Christian girl lately in that I haven't been to church in forever, and I don't belong to any Bible groups. I think I know in my heart that I wasn't going to church or to small groups for him. I was going for me. So, I haven't gone in a LONG time. I may write about this in my blog, I feel inspired by you. And, I miss him. I really do.